How to link bot

To ensure everyone has the chance to use the main feature of this program, I have created a simple post to explain how you would go around connecting your twitch account to this program.

Step 1)

After launching the program you should see something like this:

Click the "Settings" button to go to the settings menu

Step 2)

Once you are in the settings menu, it should look like this

Enter the channel name that you will be streaming to in the top text box

For now, you can skip the OAuth

Enter some number in the box labeled "Time spent collecting turn votes from chat: (Seconds) we recommend somewhere between 10-20 seconds (assuming no stream delay)

The toggle button below dictates whether or not the bot should wait for a valid chat response before it starts counting down or if it should just start counting down immediately

Step 3)

Now for the OAuth.

Click the button labeled "Get OAuth Token" this should take you to a 3rd party website ""

Click the blue "Connect" button and then log into whatever Twitch account you want the messages from the game to be sent from, you will be prompted whether or not you wish to allow twitchaps to use your twitch account, click "Allow"

You now have your oauth code, copy EVERYTHING inside of the text box including the "oauth:" and paste it into the OAuth: box in the "Settings" menu in TwitchPlaysConenct4

Click the "Test Bot Connection" button

if it's green, you're all good! Press "Back To Menu" which will save all of your settings and bring you back to the main menu.

Congratulations! You have now done everything you need to begin playing Connect 4 with your twitch chat!

Files 464 kB
Jun 29, 2021

Get Twitch Plays Connect 4

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